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 Unterstützte Organisationen durch

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Aboriginal Organisationen 

The VACCA is currently funded by the federal Department of Family Services and the Victorian state Department of Human Services to provide assistance and support to Aboriginal children and families who are experiencing social and economic problems which may contribute to a breakdown in the family structure.  The VACCA also receives funding from ATSIC to deliver the Link Up Program which assists the Stolen Generations reuniting family members.  As a community based and controlled agency, VACCA’s essential belief is the total self-management for Aboriginal communities throughout Victoria.


Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages

About VACL

The Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages was established in 1994 to address the issues of language loss and is the state body responsible for coordinating Community Language Programs throughout Victoria. These programs are run in local communities that report regularly back to VACL. The Corporation is focused on retrieving, recording and researching Aboriginal languages and providing a central resource on Victorian Aboriginal Languages with programs now looking at educational tools to teach the Indigenous community about language.

Link-Up Victoria is funded by the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH) via the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.

Link-Up Victoria was expanded in 1998 as a response to the Bringing Them Home Report (BTH) recommendation (30A & 30B) to address the specific needs of the large numbers of Indigenous people presenting to Aboriginal services who were the victims of past government policies and practices. These policies saw a large scale removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families and communities, often referred to as the Stolen Generations.

Andere Organisationen

Who we are. The Save the Tasmanian Devil Program is the official response to the threat to the survival of the Tasmanian devil. The Program is an initiative of the Australian and Tasmanian governments in partnership with the University of Tasmania.

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